进口普旭真空泵油:VM022/VM032/VM068/VM100/VM150/VG100/VE101/300SD/VMH100/VSL032/VSL068/VSL100/YLC250B; 规格型号:5L 20L 里其乐真空泵油:MULTI-LUBE 46/MULTI-LUBE 100/SUPER-LUBE 46/100; 规格型号: 5L 20L 爱发科真空泵油:R-7/R-4/D-11/SMR100/R-2, 规格型号: 5L 20L 莱宝真空泵油:GS32/GS77/N62/N62H/HE200/FM68,LVO100/LVO410 规格型号:1L 5L 20L 200L 爱德华真空泵油:ultragrade 15/19/20/70 规格型号: 5L 20L 备注:爱德华真空泵油通常叫法是15号/19号/20号/70号 贝克真空泵油:FO-100/SS100/SS-10/LUBE-M100/LBE-S100 规格型号: 5L 20L 莱宝真空泵油LVO100矿物油是从原油蒸馏和完善的产品。这些不包括精确定义的化合物,而是包括一个复杂的混合物。该矿物油中的预先处理过的,和它的组合物的方式是将适合的应用程序的决定性因素。根据分布的烃和具有某些特性的主导地位,矿物油被分组根据石蜡基,环烷基和芳族。对于实现特别低的极限压力的目的,必须选择矿物油的基础上,一个核心馏分。 矿物油的热稳定性和耐化学性,已发现在大多数应用中是足够的,它们提供了一个高度与弹性体的相容性和耐水解性. 莱宝真空泵油LVO100的使用方法 (1}装油的窗口必须清洁干净,严禁在阳光下曝晒 和露天存放,要存放在阴暗、干燥和通风场合严防水份和灰尘的混入。 (2)取油或装油时,桶盖周围的小雨必须除尽,防止杂物混入油中,引起泵的磨损。 (3)不同牌号,品种的真空泵油不能混用,新旧油品不能混用。 (4)严格避免真空油与其它润滑油混合,更不能混入轻质油品,否是将会会影响真空性能。 (5)真空泵应尽量避免抽除溶剂,水蒸气和有腐蚀性气体等,必须用时须勤检查、勤换油。 (6)换油时应将泵体内使用过的油品排尽,将新油倒入后缓缓转动泵轴,清扫泵腔排尽残油,重复清洗数次,等洗净后换入新油。 (7)泵大修时必须用溶剂或清洗剂将泵的各部件清洗干净,并将部件烘干。 (8)加油用具必须有是**设备,不应是盛过其它油品或溶剂的容器;抽泵。 (9)矿物油与酯油或其它合成油互换时,应将泵拆开作彻底清洗。包括各零部件均须浸渍在酯油内以防污染。 (10)如吸入化学气体及溶剂,对泵油污染影响真空后,则必须作清洗换油处理。 (A) 换油期限: a.当泵油真空下跌,满足不了需要时; b.当泵油颜色变深,呈褐色时,均应当换油。 德莱宝真空泵油LVO100主要用于莱宝双级真空泵D系列。 包装 5L 20L LEYBONOL mineral oils are products distilled and refined from crude oil. These do not consist of precisely defined compounds but rather consist of a complex mixture. The way in which the mineral oil is pre-treated and its composition is decisive as to the applications it will be suited for. Depending on the distribution of the hydrocarbons and the dominance of certain properties, mineral oils are grouped according to paraffin-base, naphthenic and aromatic. For the purpose of attaining especially low ultimate pressures, mineral oils must be selected on the basis of a core fraction. The thermal and chemical resistance of mineral oils has been found to be adequate in the majority of applications. They offer a high degree of compatibility with elastomers and resistance to hydrolysis Oil Type Description Product examples ISO VG class Viscosity LVO 100 Mineral oil, free of additives TRIVAC E+DK RUVAC ISO VG 100 (ca.) at 40 °C mm2/s 95 at 100°C mm2/s 10,5 LVO 110 Hydrocracked mineral oil with additives SOGEVAC ≤ SV 65 A & ≤ SV65 BI (FC) ISO VG 32 at 40 °C mm2/s 32 at 100°C mm2/s 5,5 LVO 120 Mineral oil with additives SOGEVAC A Series ≤ SV 65, B Series ≤ SV 25 B, ≤ SV 65 BI (FC) ISO VG 32 at 40 °C mm2/s 32 at 100°C mm2/s 5,5 LVO 130 Mineral oil with additives SOGEVAC ≥ SV 100, ≥ SV 40 B ISO VG 68 at 40 °C mm2/s 68 at 100°C mm2/s 9 LVO 140 Mineral oil with additives SOGEVAC A Series ≤ SV 65, B Series ≤ SV 25 B, ≤ SV 65 BI (FC) ISO VG 32 at 40 °C mm2/s 30 at 100°C mm2/s 5 LVO 150 Mineral oil with additives SOGEVAC ≥ SV 100, ≥ SV 40 B ISO VG 68 at 40 °C mm2/s 63 at 100°C mm2/s 8